Radio Interview about Inhumanities on Extension 720 with Milt Rosenberg

wgn_radio_logoListen to a conversation about the book which occurred on Extension 720 with Milt Rosenberg,  Radio 720 WGN, on Wednesday, December 19, 10 pm to midnight.  This was the last interview that Milt Rosenberg did on this show which had run for 39 years! It was an honor to be included on this important American media institution. 


3 thoughts on “Radio Interview about Inhumanities on Extension 720 with Milt Rosenberg

  1. Denway,

    Good luck on your interview tonight. I’m sure it will go swimmingly and you’ll be a rock star! Will there be a replay available?

    I admire you for your occupation, your books and accomplishments in life.

    Happy Holidays,

    Benny and family

    • All of the Milt Rosenberg shows are podcasted afterward, though I’ll try to record and post it as well. Amazingly, this will be his last full interview, as his final show–after 39 years–will be a retrospective on Thursday. Best! -DD

  2. Dave
    Bravo, well done, magnificent !

    As they say in soccer parlance ” He’s Done It !!, Brilliant “.

    Continued success, as always.

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